
Surf Coast Walk

Environmental Wayfinding

The Surf Coast Walk is a 44km walking and cycling track stretching from Point Impossible in the east to the town of Fairhaven on the Great Ocean Road in the west.


Firstly we needed to define the various areas along the trail as priority sections so that these could be mapped and coded with points of interest. Secondly, the project required a brand identity for the trail marker signs, interpretive signage panels, and large scale maps installed at strategic points on route. Third, a wide range of marketing collateral, including town maps showing access to the walk at various points along the 44km route. Finally, a website was created to promote the walk to residents of the shire and the many tourists who visit the region.

Walking trails can attract visitors and the community to an experience that is healthy and caters to many uses from fitness enthusiasts, to leisure seekers. Ensuring the experience is fit for purpose for all these audiences requires a strategy that considers the trail as part of an overall experience. Being able to identify meaningful opportunities to tell stories about the experience of the environment requires an inclusive approach.

Research is vital and often requires investigation into historical events, pertinent facts affecting the site today, and bringing all of this information together into a cohesive and distinct piece of visual communication. Fluid created an iconic brand and informative interpretative and wayfinding signage that guides visitors along the trail which includes a wide variety of experiences from remote beaches, coastal towns and hinterland forested stretches that includes a wide variety of flora and fauna on offer.

The trail features directional wayfinding and interpretive signage to help users navigate the trail and learn about the various significant places of interest along the way. It was officially opened by the Member for Western Victoria, David O’Brien MLC, before triple Olympic medallist walker Jared Tallent took the first official steps on the track.

Mr Davies said that locals and visitors alike would benefit from the track, which puts a stunning and unique coastal environment within easy reach.

Surf coast walk outdoor way finding signage

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